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[贴图] 这是一份花道18岁的NBA双语选秀报告,请查收!0920错误纠正

发表于 2023-9-10 22:15:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 绛霄 于 2023-9-21 11:48 编辑

和@靠谱的大爷闲聊,说想看花道的选秀报告,两个人一脑热,模拟NBA的选秀报告给花道写了一份(Home - NBADraft.net),弄了中英文两个版本。











NBA Comparison: xx xx
优势   拥有无限潜能的天才流球员,他的身高和体重,宽大的手掌,超优秀的臂展和跟腱,起跳时笔直的小腿,无与伦比的动态天赋,舒展协调的空中姿态,让他展现出远超平均水平的篮球能力。对于他的年龄而言,他还有很大的发展空间,无法预料上限究竟在哪里。对于他的体型而言,内线展现出的胆识、力量和对抗性,令人瞠目结舌。对于他的位置而言,两端展现出的协调性、灵活性、机动性三点,令人惊叹不已。对于整场比赛而言,他奔跑如豹,动作流畅,运动量惊人,反应迅速,基本功扎实,超高意识的球商,几乎看不到他有什么明显的短板。他在每一场比赛中都能贡献几个观赏性极佳的精彩动作-比如灌篮盖帽抢断等,让人热血沸腾。他的传球水平不错,加上对球场的全面阅读,迅速反应,常常在关键时刻奉献出让人称赞的秒传,这让对手防不胜防。他同时也是个很好的接球手,他拥有一些细腻的进攻手段,让人不能忽视的进攻能力,空切反应快,外线接球可进攻,依靠假动作或变向坠步运球突破,甩开对手跳投或压入内线,post up或者face up掌握熟练,内线接球他可背打可抛投,也可直接空接灌篮,他是少有的可以轻松完成控卫高抛传球Alley-oop的球员。他的身高、体脂率以及天生的长跟腱,使得他弹跳力(弹速)和爆发力远超普通球员,在现如今联盟里都高居前列,他站地摸高262cm,垂直弹跳106cm,助跑摸高389cm,超长的滞空能力,超强的核心,敏捷的横向移动,让他在篮下拥有恐怖的压迫感,无需缓冲的连续起跳抢夺篮板,高空封盖后立刻回防,背后出其不意的盖帽,罚球线起跳灌篮,气势磅礴的隔扣,无一不说明他在篮下具有的压倒性统治力。从他的位置看,他是个很好的Pick and Roll人员,为进攻队友创造机会,他还是个很好的护框手,阅读赛场,充分判断形势,时刻准备着,防守时的补防,进攻时的补扣,都完成得极其出色,他常常凭借他出色的运动能力,积极的意识,通过协防抢断,弥补传球防守的漏洞,改变局势。他是天生的篮球手,无底洞的耐力和体力,可以全场奔袭不知疲倦,他15岁刚接触篮球时,第一次上场就能打得有模有样,明白自己在场上的位置,打球四个月就能成为球队胜利的关键,完成绝杀。他还是天生的领导者,具有球星的风范,在球队陷入死境时激发斗志,成为球队的精神领袖,他的决心和意志同样值得称赞。

弱点 他打球时间很短,只有三年,缺少一些高强度对抗的大型赛事经验,这使得他真正进入联盟比赛时有一段适应期,是好是坏,需要时间来评判。他的体型是标准分卫,因此他的身高和体重对于他当前的位置而言,有些吃亏,如果继续主攻这个位置,需要继续增肌,如果想要胜任分卫,还需要开发更多的进攻能力,比如提高远距离投篮命中率,更多维度的运球突破,更具防守难度的投篮技巧,比如他正在练习还不是很熟练的后仰跳投。他今年刚刚高中毕业,是选秀中年龄最小的球员,除去本国高校间的练习赛,他统共参加的标准赛事不到100场,这样我们难免会担心他是否能适应联盟的比赛节奏。也正是由于他年龄小,有非常强的好胜心,比赛场上可能会因为遇到更具挑战性的对手,而强行进攻打乱节奏。他虽然具有非常强的协防能力,单防能力也相当不错,但因为暂时无法弥补的经验不足,不可避免会被那些打球时长数倍于他,身体强壮且经验老道的联盟顶尖球员压制,他需要提前做好准备,思考如何应对。

前景展望  樱木花道是亚洲难得一见的全面的篮球天才,他有着无与伦比的静态天赋和动态天赋,看过他比赛的没有人会不记得他。他跑跳能力一流,爆发力、弹速、力量、运动量、身体协调性节奏感、超长滞空等都令人难忘,不仅如此,他的球商也堪称顶级,不管是天生的球感、阅读比赛的能力、预测能力、对赛场走向的灵敏度。但他也不是没有缺点,他真正接触篮球刚满三年,参加的国际赛事少,其对抗程度和联盟强度有一定的差距,这让除静动态天赋评估外的有些预测或许并不是完全准确的,我们可以期待他在即将到来的常规赛中新秀赛季的表现。另外,他曾经受过背伤,从目前看这对他没有任何影响,他在伤愈后仍然积极活跃在篮球场上,并且打得越来越好,进步飞速,希望在未来的联盟比赛中,他能更好地控制自己的身体,避免一些不必要的身体伤害,延长自己的篮球职业生涯。相信如果樱木花道可以按照这个状态一直进步,他将会成为新一代的奇迹。
斯托克利-费曼 10/06/xx年



NBA Comparison: xx xx
Strengths   Sakuragi Hanamichi is a generational talent with unlimited potential. His height and weight, wide hands, amazing wingspan and Achilles tendon, straight calves while jumping, unprecedented dynamic talent as well as stretched and coordinated aerial positions all demonstrate his remarkable basketball talent. Given his age, he still has great potential with an unpredictable limit. In terms of his size, he demonstrates amazing courage, strength and confrontation when he plays inside. At his position, he shows surprising coordination, flexibility and mobility on both defensive and offensive side. During the games, apart from fantastic speed, smooth movements, amazing amount of exercise and instinct reactions, he also has solid basic skills and rare basketball IQ, which makes it hard to find his obvious weaknesses. Besides, he could always demonstrates some fantastic shows, such as exciting slam dunks and unexpected blocks and steals, which could always light up the court. He is also a good passer. With his comprehensive understanding of the game process and quick responses, he could always send some unexpected assists at some critical moments, which make the opponents hard to offend. Simultaneously, he is also a good catcher. He has some delicate offensive methods and remarkable offensive skills. He is quick for backdoor cuts. When he gets the ball at perimeter, he could not only catch and shoot, but also dribble breakthrough through feint actions or changes of directions. He could then get rid of his opponents for a jumper or press inside. He is proficient at both post ups and face ups. When he gets the ball inside, he could either post up or floater, or even slam dunks directly. He is one of the several Asian athletes with the capacity to finish an Alley-oop at his age. His length, body fat rate and borne long Achilles tendon enable him to have unprecedented bouncing ability, as well as bouncing speed, and explosive power than most of the players. His standing reach is 105.9 inches, standing vertical leap is 41.7 inches and maximum vertical leap is 153.15 inches. He has super long hang time, strong core strength and agile lateral movements, which enable his to create overwhelming sense of pressure near the rim. He could grab rebounds through continuous jumps without any buffers, block unexpectedly after the opponents’ back, return to defense immediately after blocks in the air, slam dunks from free throw line and powerful posterizing dunks, all of which demonstrate his overwhelming dominance near the basket. In terms of his position, he is also a good pick and roll player. He could create opportunities for his teammates in their offense. He is also a good rim protector. He could read the game, fully judge the situations and he is always well-prepared. No matter supplementary defense or supplementary flush, he never let people down. Moreover, he could also always use his excellent athleticism and positive attitude to help with coordination defence or finish a steal. He could then make up for the passing or defensive vulnerability and ultimately become the game-changer. He is a borne basketball player. He has unpredictable strength and endurance to run over the entire games without getting tired. He understood his roles and responsibilities and played well in his first game of life although he started to play basketball for the first time 10 days ago when he was 15. He then surprisingly became the clutch player of his game and made the buzzer beater in the game against the No.1 team in his country after merely four months. He is also a borne leader and a potential superstar. Whenever his team is in a desperate situation, he could always boost the morale and become the spiritual leader of his team. His strong will and determination will set him apart.

Weaknesses  He started to play basketball very late, namely from three years ago. He lacks experience in higher-competitive international competitions. It means he might need an adaption period after joining the NBA league. Time will tell whether it is good or not. He has a standard size for a shooting guard position, however, he used to play as small forward and power forward. Therefore, he might experience some difficultly if he stays with the current 2 positions with his current height and weight. If he wants to stay with his current positions, he need to keep building his muscle. If he wants to be a top shooting guard, he needs to explore more offensive skills such as to improve the efficiency of his long and medium jump shots, better dribble breakthroughs, more unstoppable shooting techniques, and more proficient fade-away jumpers. Graduated from high school this spring, he is the youngest candidate in this year’s NBA draft. Apart from his national practice games, he only attended less than 100 standard games, which makes a question whether he could adapt to the game pace in the league. Besides, due to his young age, he has strong ambition, which sometimes might motivate him to be too offensive to interrupt the game pace when he is confronted with some competitive opponents in the games. He has good double-cover capacity as well as man-to-man defense ability. However, due to his lack of experience, he sometimes will unavoidably feel pressure from some opponents-the more experienced and stronger superstars in the league. He has to make more preparation in advance and consider how to deal with them.

Outlook Sakuragi Hanamichi is a rare and comprehensive basketball talent in Asian basketball history. He has unparalleled static and dynamic talents. He could always leave an unforgettable impression on people who watch his games. He has top-rated running and jumping ability with a remarkable combination of great explosive power, bouncing speed, strength, movements and exercise, physical coordination and super long hang time. On top of all he has generational basketball IQ which has been reflected through his natural sense of basketball, ability to read and predict the games as well as sensitivity to the game process. He definitely possesses flaws. The most glaring concern is that he just started playing basketball three years ago and has attended limited international games. The competition in the games he attended might has some gap with the NBA games, which might make the assessment, apart from his static and dynamic talent, less comparable. We could really look forward to his performance in his coming rookie season. Besides, he got back injury three years ago. So far, there is no impact on his performance. He still remains active in the games after his recovery from the injury and he is making more and more progress. In the future games, we wish he could have a better control of his body to avoid unnecessary injury and extend his basketball life. As long as Sakuragi could stay with the current trend to keep making progress, we believe only the sky could become his limit.
Stokley Feynman 10/06/xx yrs



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发表于 2023-9-10 22:30:05 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


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沙发 2023-9-10 22:30:05 收起回复
绛霄 2023-9-10 22:34
爱花小土豆回复绛霄 2023-9-10 23:15
靠谱的大爷回复绛霄 2023-9-11 20:26
靠谱的大爷回复爱花小土豆 2023-9-11 20:28
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发表于 2023-9-10 22:48:21 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
板凳 2023-9-10 22:48:21 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2023-9-10 23:08:07 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
地板 2023-9-10 23:08:07 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2023-9-11 10:41:58 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2023-9-11 16:16:29 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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绛霄 2023-9-17 11:38
绛霄 2023-9-17 11:39
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发表于 2023-9-11 23:15:07 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
我的天呐这是什么  是我们篮球天才明日巨星!!!太牛了太牛了感谢老师们
10# 2023-9-11 23:15:07 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2023-9-12 07:17:53 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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绛霄 2023-9-17 18:55
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-12 16:33:55 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2023-9-12 17:03:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2023-9-13 13:44:13 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-20 23:13:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 绛霄 于 2023-9-20 23:14 编辑

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-21 15:25:30 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
16# 2023-9-21 15:25:30 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-24 14:32:42 | 显示全部楼层
17# 2023-9-24 14:32:42 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2023-9-24 15:47:00 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2023-9-24 17:53:17 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 林宝宝 于 2023-12-1 01:22 编辑

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林宝宝 2023-9-24 18:33
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发表于 2023-11-25 17:55:41 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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